Antonella Varesano, “Interfacce e creatività…. Metodologie innovative dei servizi digitali” Edizione EAI 2019 Milano
Antonella Varesano, “Interaction design: progettazione blending per interfacce creative” Edizione EAI 2016 Milano
“Visioni. Intuizioni e creatività in arte misticismo e scienza” in Dialoghi tra le discipline, con Barbara Della Polla edizioni Stazione Rogers, 2015 Trieste.Barricelli e Varesano “Atmosphere design for mobile learning ”, ICTP Trieste, Conference Scientific m-Learning, June, 2012 see book Mobile Science & Learning
Antonella Varesano “Nuovi media, magma di linguaggi”, ed Forum, Udine, 2004
Antonella Varesano “L’impiego dei nuovi media nella didattica creativa” collection of conference papers about ‘new frontier in digital representations’ , Pordenone, November 2005 ed Lampi di Stampa by R. Altin and P. Parmeggiani
“Contemporary art digitalization: an opportunity for designing new experiences” Barbara Rita Barricelli Università degli Studi di Brescia Antonella Varesano Università degli Studi di Udine Giuliana Carbi Trieste Contemporanea Torkil CLEMMENSEN Copenhagen Business School Fabio Pittarello Università Ca’ Foscari INTERACT2021 international conference, Bari, September
“Dialogue Between Poetry and Quantum Science” ICTP on line conference with: Amy Catanzano, USA, Poet, Transmedia Artist, Professor, Marta Mauri, Canada, Quantum Software Engineer
Giuseppe Mussardo, Italy, Theoretical Physicist, Professor, Antonello Scardicchio, Italy, Professor
“La casina di luce” poesie di commento ai disegni di Gianfranco Pagliaro, 2019 Battello editore
“Creatività e Misticismo” con Barbara Della Polla on Dialoghi tra le discipline, 2015
“Digital Multichannel Clues” on Trieste Science Fiction 2012 Catalogue, Festival Sci Fi Trieste, December 2012.
“Keywords” column dedicated to the new communication technologies Juliet Art Magazine no. 160 Dec-Jan 2012
“The Meaning of Donation in Digital World” meetings at Rogers Station, Trieste, 25th May 2012
“Atmosphere Design for Mobile Learning , ICTP Trieste, Scientific Conference about m-learning, June 2012 see book Mobile Science & Learning
“Spot&Web“ Sala Veruna at Palazzo Costanzi, Event + o positivi AIDS-HIV World DAY , December 2012
“Interaction Atmosphere: Blending Design Style” AVI 2012 International Conference of Visual Interfaces, Capri, May 2012.
“Experiences about Cultural District” International Conference October 2009, provincia di Trieste
“People Behind the Words” Dietro le parole le persone: la forza e la debolezza delle reti di informazione, comunicazione e trasmissione della conoscenza, Convegno promosso dal Comune di Trieste November 2009
“Il web design”, special publication about Corecom Conference, Gorizia 2005
“Il non luogo di internet”, atti del convegno ‘Lo spaesamento informatico: la comunicazione e I suoi luoghi’, Trieste, November 2004.
“La nuova Alessandria”, L’ Immaginario Scientifico Notizie, issue no. 16, pag. 3, April 1994, Trieste, Italy
“La contamination des langages visuels” – Videoformes, essai n 10, pag 53, Festival Clermont Ferrat, France
“The Web Experience” – Very Cyber, Indeed, n 1, pag 2, 1995, Ljubljana , Slovenia
“Medialab, MIT” – Juliet Art Magazine – no. 31, pag 56, 1996, Trieste, Italy
“Un progetto per il museo Revoltella di Trieste” – Quaderno Studio-Cultura Veneta di Confine nel Tempo dell’Evoluzione Elettronica, p. 31, Tullio Reggente editore, Trieste 1996 (con Andrea Bandelli).
“L’interfaccia tosta e Zio Paperone” – Trieste Contemporanea. Dialoghi con l’ Europa centro orientale, n 3, 1995, pag 16, Trieste
“Internet e new media” – Festival Alpe Adria Cinema Catalogue, 1995, pag. 10 – Trieste
“Arte in rete. Telematic Theatre” – Trieste Contemporanea. Dialoghi con l’Europa Centro Orientale , 1996, pag 12, Trieste, Italy
Several collaborations with newspapers in the field of IT and new media, articles:
“Pescare in rete, editoria on-line” – Il Piccolo, 08.08.1997
“Festival Ars Electronica di Linz ” – Il Piccolo, 15.09.1997
“NewMetropolis, il museo del futuro” – Il Piccolo, 09.01.1998
“ICA, Istituto delle Arti Contemporanee” – Il Piccolo, 04.03.1998
Lessons and lectures on line ”New Media Studies: History, Theory, Art and Languages”
“Italian schools and new technologies” by Romina De Faveri, November 2006
“New Media and Advertising” by Michela D’Agnolo, September 2006
“New Media in schools applications” by Livia De Biase, November 2005
“Interaction design and sensibile environment” by Manuela Morana, February 2005
“New strategies in digital tv adverting” by Roberto Pin, February 2005
“Evaluation in e-learning process” by Vanessa Metus, October 2004
“Web graphic interfaces” by Fabiana Zanini, October 2004
“Audiovisual literacy: how teach to watch” by Tommaso Lessio, October 2004
“New media on primary schools” by Sara Vianello, March 2004
“New art shapes in on line communications” by Eleonora Gallina, June 2004
“Audiovisual archives evolution” by Andrea Bellinetti, June 2004
“User-oriented project for a website” by Michele De Marco, November 2003
“Today TV: evolution and development of medium” by Alessio Garbin, October 2003 DIPLOMA THESIS SUPERVISOR University of Udine
“E- Learning: new trends in education. Skill training method” by Vanessa Metus, July 2001
“How the tv is facing the changes: from ordinary TV to internet TV” by Valetina Lupini, July 2001
“Interfaces web design for artistic web sites” by Vanuska Tellarin, October 2001
“Multimedia in school to develop creative projects” by Sabina Tomat, October 2001
“Video post-production in advertising project” by Livia DeBiase, July 2002
“Information without borders” by Elena Sartori, December 2003
“E-commerce: case study” by Michele Bon, December 2003
“New Journalism” by Sonia Billiani, December 2003
“Changements in tv communications with DTT” by Anna Della Torre, April 2004
“Digital Photography as a new communication” by Mattero Sirabella, April 2004
today newmedialab is a nomadic creative laboratory, until 2005 it was based in trieste / italy now it lives in the digital world, if you want to join our purpose send an email to