Nome: NewMediaLab sas by Antonella Varesano & Co.
Sede legale:
Via S. Caterina, 3 - 34122 Trieste - Italy
++39 40 348 04 07 - fax: ++30 40 348 96 30
web site: e-mail: P. IVA: 00994190320

Number of registration n. TS -2000 - 8709 Trieste 26.07.2000 - D. oB Trieste 22/06.2000
Aree di intervento: Research, Education, Counselling
Direttore: Antonella Varesano

Special Project
april 2002 - DONNE e WEB

Lessons for the project "Di passaggio…" di Barbara Della Polla, this was part of a course for Actresses dedicated to women with psychological deseases, in collaboration with Cassiopeatetaro and IRES (Institute of Research and Studies)

december 2001 - NEWSBROKER
Lessons about video and digital editing for FSE NewsBroker Course
post-graduated students - ENAIP di Trieste

april 2001 - ZOOMWEB
Didactical project about sperimentation in new media communication languages realized by students of primary schools - Two classes from Tarabochia Elementary School and two classes from Codermatz Primary School in Triest - sponsored by'Ente Regionale Teatrale di Udine

University Courses
december 2002 - University of Udine, Faculty of Educational Science - TAM Multimedia Audiovisual Techinicians
Lessons for course "New Media LABORATORY "
june 2002 - University of Triest,
Faculty of Literature and Philosophy
Lessons about "Technologies for documentation and multimedia edition" for student of Historical Studies
march 2002 - University of Udine,
Faculty of Educational Science - TAM Multimedia Audiovisual Techinicians
Lessons and video projection about " New Media Esthetic"

Art Network
september 2002 - IETM "International European Group Meeting"
Meeting of the working group devoted to artistic network e promotion web sites
november 2000 - Digital Exsposition "+ o - 20/30/40 "

This exposition explored, through works of three generations, different possibilities for artistic expression incorporating the most advanced digital manipulation technologies.

Adult trainer
New society: courses devoted to people who need simple solutions about using computer for several needs.
- Lupo di M@re: basic course for surfing the net.
- Ch@ttiamo!: from e-mail to multimediale chat, new way of interactive communications.
- OCCHIO al SITO! Whatch out usability and quality of web sites.

january 2003 - PHOTOSHOP for Photographers.
Rent the space of the LAB for professional course dedicated to photographers

december 2001 - TECHNOLOGICAL Tools for Human Studies.
Rent space for University courses about 'How use tecnologies in Human Studies" promoted by ENAIP Trieste

2000 - ScuolaFuori Project
2002 - IETM - International Meeting
2002 - Cassiopea Teatro Project

U.E Projects

EUWA 2002 - applicant -
European web art 2002: new settings of research on digital creativity Developing new communication model for online contents

ARTivity 2002 - parternarship with Après Tendace - The Nederland.
Building up a creative collaborative environment for education, art and creativity in ICT

ARTEMISA 2002 - partnership with Guadagnini/Eniti society- Italy New ways of knowledge and teaching with multimedia approach in educational.

HYPERMEDIAEVALUATION - partenership with Cramars - Italy
European evaluation of hypermedia

last update: january 2003

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